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    How to Grow and Care for Sedum Golden Moss (Sedum de Oro)

    5 lectura mínima

    How to Grow and Care for Sedum Golden Moss (Sedum de Oro)

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    Sedum Golden Moss (Sedum de Oro) is also referred to as Tokyo Sun, due to its bright yellow blooms and a popular area where it can be found. This beautiful succulent is a resilient plant that is self-sufficient and can expand rapidly to cover a landscape.

    If you are a relatively new succulent owner who wants a low-maintenance plant or someone who wants to transform a landscape with extensive plant cover, then keep reading to learn more about how to care for your very own Sedum Golden Moss.

    General Care

    1. Light

    Your Sedum Golden Moss will thrive in bright, direct sunlight, though you should be careful on particularly hot days. Some direct sunlight for at least 4 hours during the morning and/or afternoon will suffice, and you can provide partial shading for your Sedum after that. Bright, filtered light in an area with plentiful airflow is ideal for your Sedum Golden Moss.

    2. Water

    Sedum Golden Moss is a resilient plant, and its leaves help provide it with some drought resistance. However, you should still make sure to water regularly. Particularly, avoid letting the soil around your Sedum get too dry. Water this plant once a week using a succulent watering bottle, and avoid getting any water on the leaves. A good way to check and see if your Sedum needs water is to check the soil: if it’s completely dry, give it a drink.

    Sedum Golden Moss, Golden Moss Sedum, Sedum Golden Moss care guide, Sedum Golden Moss succulents, Sedum de Oro
    Sedum Golden Moss is a resilient plant, and its leaves help provide it with some drought resistance

    3. Soil

    Sandy, and loamy soils are where Sedum Golden Moss prefers to cultivate. The resilience we mentioned earlier is what helps them grow even in drought/dry soils, and allows them to survive in clay soil as well. When caring for your plant, you will want to provide it with porous, well-draining soil. Although this succulent can survive in thicker, clay soil mixes, your Sedum may have stunted growth and be at an increased risk of contracting root rot. To increase drainage for your standard houseplant potting mix, add a bit of sand, perlite, and peat to the soil.

    4. Temperature and Humidity

    Sedum Golden Moss is recommended for Hardiness Zones 3-8. The typical temperature they prefer is around 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit, but they have fantastic drought resistance so they can withstand some periods of varying extreme weather.

    Sedum Golden Moss, Golden Moss Sedum, Sedum Golden Moss care guide, Sedum Golden Moss succulents, Sedum de Oro, Sedum Golden Moss temperatures
    Sedum Golden Moss is recommended for Hardiness Zones 3-8

    5. Fertilizer

    Sedum Golden Moss is a very self-sufficient plant and therefore will not require fertilizer to see sustained growth. If you still prefer to use fertilizer for your plants, slow-release fertilizer would be your best bet, as it is typically recommended for plants that don’t require much fertilizer. Keep your Sedum hydrated and in bright sunlight and you should see spectacular growth.


    The Sedum Golden Moss typically blooms around the spring to the summer season. At this time the plant may appear to change color, and you can see the bright yellow star-shaped blooms that this succulent is known for. These flowers cover the entire plant, making it appear yellow instead of green. In addition, butterflies love these flowers, so if you plan on growing your Golden Moss outdoors, keep watch for fluttering friends!


    Propagating new Sedum plants is a very simple process. Using a clean, sharp pair of scissors or a knife, cut off a section of the plant’s stem at the node. Let it sit for a day or so in indirect sunlight to dry and callous over. Then, you can dip your cutting in a rooting hormone (if you like), and stick it into some fresh soil. Keep it well watered during its early rooting process and make sure it has plenty of bright, indirect sunlight, and you should have another flourishing plant in about two weeks. As always, it’s best to propagate this succulent during the growing season!

    Sedum Golden Moss, Golden Moss Sedum, Sedum Golden Moss care guide, Sedum Golden Moss succulents, Sedum de Oro, Golden Moss Sedum propagation
    Propagating new Sedum plants is a very simple process


    Potting and Repotting

    The best pots for Sedum Golden Moss are ones with drainage holes that allow adequate drainage when watering. If you prefer to water from the bottom of your plants, then make sure to watch your Sedum carefully and remove any excess water within a few minutes.

    • Repotting

    The ideal period to repot your Sedum is during the spring or summer season. After removing it from its original pot and checking for any root damage, you should place your plant in a new pot that is at least a couple of inches wider than your old container. Sedum does not get very tall but grows outwards extensively.


    Sedum Golden Moss will need a dormancy period during winter. During this time, you can move them inside (if they aren’t already) and provide them with light and warmth. During this dormant period, the Sedum Golden Moss will not require much water, so make sure to not overwater during this time. By providing plenty of sunlight, and watering only once every few weeks, your Sedum Golden Moss should be healthy when the warmer weather returns. The best way to determine when to water your Sedum during dormancy is to check your soil moisture. Only water when the soil is completely dry, and cut the amount of water you give it by half. Since every plant is a bit different, your Golden Moss may need more or less water during its dormant period compared to others in its family.

    Sedum Golden Moss, Golden Moss Sedum, Sedum Golden Moss care guide, Sedum Golden Moss succulents, Sedum de Oro,  Sedum Golden Moss dormancy
    Sedum Golden Moss will need a dormancy period during winter


    Common Complications

    One huge benefit of the resiliency of Sedum is that they don’t have too many pest problems. Slugs and snails may present a problem here or there, but there isn’t anything too intensive that you will have to look out for. They are even resistant to deer and rabbit grazing, so if you are in an area where these animals usually present an issue, this is a great option.

    Diseases aren’t very prevalent either, so overall the Sedum Golden Moss is a very low-maintenance succulent choice.


    Another benefit of this plant is that it is reportedly not a danger to humans or pets. In fact, Sedum has been known to be edible in small amounts, eaten raw from the younger plants, and cooked first after the plant has matured.

    The “small amount” does need to be stressed here though, as there is also a reported risk of gastrointestinal distress and other issues if eaten extensively. Sedum does not produce a scent and the flavor isn’t highly sought after, so this shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

    Watch the video below (and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos) to know How to care for Sedum Golden Moss!

    See more about How to Grow and Care for Sedum Plants

    How to care for sedum plants

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