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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship succulents in the fall or winter?
Yes, we ship succulents year-round. Heat packs are available for purchase here. However, not all varieties are available all the time. In the winter, for example, many Sedum are dormant and don't look their best, so we do not ship many Sedums during winter. 
Will my succulents freeze when shipped in the winter?
Hardy succulents will ship just fine all winter long. For Soft Succulents, we try to ensure all orders arrive in 3 days or less when shipping to extra cold areas. For extra protection, low cost 72 hour heat packs are available for purchase here.
When you ship plants, are they going to be OK sitting in a box for multiple days?
Yes, absolutely. We ship hundreds of orders weekly from California. We rarely have any complaints about the condition of the plants when they arrive. In fact, we actually get lots of feedback from customers who are surprised at how great they look upon arrival. We ship some plants in pot with soil, and the soil tend to get shifted. A soft brush can quickly solve the problem :)
How long is it going to take to receive my shipment after I place the order?
We're a small team of 2 trying to pack and ship orders everyday. We ship early in the week to avoid weekend delay. If you order Friday-Sunday, your order will be shipped the following Monday. Most orders will arrive within 3-5 days. 
What happens if the plants break or die in transit?
We will gladly offer replacement or refund if your plants arrive broken/ dead. Please contact us immediately within a week of the plant's arrival. Photos of the damage are required. We'll always try our best to accommodate you :)
How do I care for my succulents when they arrive?
A detailed care instruction card is sent with each order.  The most important thing to remember is that your succulents in a dark box for several days. Therefore, they’ll need to acclimate to the light before getting exposed to full direct sun. Keep them in bright shade or filtered sun for at least a few days before exposing them to direct sun.
What is my hardiness zone?
Please refer to the map below:

How often do I need to water my succulents?
Succulents need water when the top soil around the plant looks dry. In semi-shade environments, once per week is typical. In sunny environments, they may need water twice per week. The best time to water is early morning or evening. Read more about this topic WATER
Can all Soft Succulents be planted together in arrangements?
All succulents can be planted together for short term arrangements (2 months or less). For long term growing, consider each plant’s light and water requirements before planting together. For example, Haworthias prefer filtered light or indoor light while many Sedums like full sun. Sedums are also faster growing than Haworthias and use much more water, especially in the spring and summer. More information about each plant is available on its product page.
What kind of soil to transplant into?
We recommend any well-draining soil or cactus / succulent mix at your local garden center/ Home Depot. Avoid normal flower soil, or add 50% perlite or pumice if you don’t have access to a well-draining soil. Raised beds or pots with drainage are recommended in wetter areas.
Why is the color of the succulent I received different than in the photo?
Most succulents will generally look like their photos when they arrive. However, some succulents change color gradually throughout the year. Our photos typically show them during their "peak" season for color, which should be noted in the description. Also, please be aware that all succulents ship in a dark box, they may lose some color during their journey to your location. Do not worry; this color change is always temporary. They will recover rapidly once they get sufficient sunlight and water.
My succulents are bleaching, fading, and/or stretching, what’s wrong?
Your succulents are not getting sufficient sunlight. Move them to an area that gets at least six hours of sunshine during the day. Most succulents like direct sun when the temperatures are low (mornings / evenings) and filtered sun or partial shade when temperatures are high (mid-afternoon). When growing indoors, it is difficult to give succulents too much light, because ambient light is minimal and windows are like filters for the sun. Read more about this topic here.