DELIGHT25 to get 15% off all orders

    Free shipping on $59.00+ orders (excl. subscription)

    Glacier English Ivy from $13.99
    Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 'Calandiva Purple' from $12.49
    Golden English Ivy from $8.65
    String Of Hearts Ceropegia woodii from $8.99
    Calathea Dottie from $32.90
    Calathea Lancifolia Rattlesnake Plant from $23.80 $26.45
    Curly Spider Plant 'Bonnie' from $16.00 $16.90
    Variegated String of Hearts from $14.85
    Calathea Burle Marx from $20.20
    Tradescantia Nanouk from $18.49 $20.55
    Pink Nerve Plant Fittonia from $12.41 $13.79
    White Nerve Plant Fittonia from $12.41 $13.79
    Red Nerve Plant Fittonia from $12.41 $13.79
    Callisia Repens Pink Lady (Turtle Vine) - Pink Panther Plant from $8.50
    Ficus Elastica Ruby Pink from $21.55
    Pothos N'joy from $20.99
    Peperomia Hope from $12.22 $23.99
    Peperomia Rosso from $16.75
    Small size Dracaena Marginata from $16.45
    Xerosicyos danguyi (Silver Dollar Vine) from $26.85
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