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How to grow and care for succulents in the summer

4 lectura mínima

How to Care for Succulents in the Summer, Summer Care for Succulents


It’s no secret that succulents flourish where most plants would shrivel. While summers are already here and the temperatures are rising, proper care is vital to keep your succulents happy and healthy. Whether your succulents are in the ground or in a container, here are some tips to help keep your succulents vigorous and healthy. 

How to Care for Succulents in the Summer

[Watering]Water Them Adequately

These drought-tolerant greens fall in the list of easy-to-care plants, yet most people have a misconception about watering them. They believe succulents don’t need water or can survive on a little amount of water.

Well, the latter is true but to some extent; the chubby leaves of succulents store a lot of water, which means they need watering less frequently than other greens even during Summer. To give you an idea, outdoor or in-ground succulents should be watered at least once every 10 days or 2 weeks to keep them healthy, and once a week for indoor ones.

This routine, however, will change for succulents planted in black plastic pots (either they are grown indoors or outdoors). This is because the black color of the pot can increase the heat around your plant. And remember, the higher the temperature is, the quicker the moisture will evaporate from the soil, which will lead you to water your succulents more often.

So if transplanting to a more hospitable container is not an option for you, make it a habit to check the soil of your succulents now and then to help you determine if they already need to be watered. Do this by simply sticking a finger at least an inch down into it. If the soil feels dry, then it's time for a good soak of water. Otherwise, don't.

Additionally, it is best to water them early in the day so that they dry off and don’t rot.

Read more for Succulent Watering Tips.

[Sunlight and Heat]Ease Your Succulents into the Sunlight and Heat

Since there is more sunlight outdoors in summers, too much heat or sunlight can burn your succulents. Moreover, there is no doubt that succulents growing outdoors are often thriftiest than those growing indoors. Of course, there is more sunlight and better airflow outdoors, which creates ideal growing conditions for these plants.

Move your succulents to a fully shaded area, and then gradually move them into a place with more sunlight. Note that, larger succulents with strong roots can tolerate sun exposures for long, yet ensure to keep these newly planted greens in a shady spot for longer. For baby succulents, keep them in sunlight for an hour or two each week.

Move your succulents to a fully shaded area, and then gradually move them into a place with more sunlight.

Also, the morning sun is the best for them to flourish, especially in the hot days. Take all your indoor succulents out for the summer, but watch for the signs of sunburn that include color change or bleaching.

In case you see any of these signs, move them back to a shady place. If you see your plants are stretched out toward the sun, it indicates that they need more sun; hence, move them to a sunnier place, where they get enough sunlight.

Read more for Light for Succulents and Temperatures for Succulents

Watch Out For Pests

Although only a few pests bother succulents, they can be annoying and destructive. The most common pests that can harm these plants are mites and mealy bugs. In addition, rodents, and birds can drastically affect plant health as they find succulents a good source of water in dry periods. Moreover, snails love to crawl and munch on the thick leaves, especially newly-grown ones.

To avoid destruction, you can deter these pests with repellants and exclusion; netting around your succulent plant is a good idea to prevent rodents and birds from eating your chubby succulents. That being said, if you see small white fluff mites at the base of your plants or under the pot rim, they’re likely to be the mealy bugs, the most common pest.

You can hose them off or kill them with insecticidal soap. However, make sure to check the roots too; it’s their favorite place to live in.


Other Tips

Make sure to keep the area around your succulents free of built up leaf debris, mulch, and anything that can hold water. Not to mention, a wet base will lead to rotting or attract pests. Since warm weather causes evaporation, check your in-pot plants for the buildup of white salts at the bottom and sides of your containers.

Moreover, avoid watering your succulents every day and make sure to water according to its type and size.

Keep in mind that less care is no care for the succulent family. Check on the conditions of your plants regularly to prevent any damage. For most succulents, early summer is an ideal time for propagation. Many of these plants will be easier to grow healthy if they are cared for properly.

Therefore, make sure you follow the above-mentioned tips to make your succulents look lush green even in hot summer days.

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Find out more other Types of Succulents Care Guide

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