Updated August 2023.
Among the succulents family, Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ (Black Rose) is one of the most striking plants. If you have decided to bring this beautiful plant in your house, you need to learn some tips to ensure you take good care of your lovely succulent. Lucky for you, we are providing you with a guide that will help you understand all the essential caring measures for Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ (Black Rose).
Are Aeonium Black Rose Indoor or Outdoor Plants?
When it comes to caring for Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’, these succulents need plenty of light to grow healthy. This is the reason these chubby succulents do well outdoors, regardless of the freezing temperatures. Furthermore, you can also grow Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ indoors, but you need to follow the required indoor growing requirements.

These chubby succulents do well outdoors, regardless of the freezing temperatures.
If you are growing them indoors, make sure to provide the plant plenty of light; keep the pot near the brightest window. Moreover, do not overwater them when growing indoors and plant them in well-draining soil. Check the outdoor growing requirements for Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ in the next section.
General Care
Although most of the succulents are drought-tolerant, you need to water them according to the climate they are growing in. It also depends on the humidity and weather of your area. For instance, if you live in a place where the climate is very dry, you will need to water your chubby succulents more frequently.
In summers, when there is intense heat, you will need to water your Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ every seven days. However, when the weather cools down, water them every 12 days, especially when you have placed the plant outdoors. On the contrary, if you live in a location that has high humid levels, you will not need to water them as much.
Similarly, when you have high humid levels indoors, the water requirements of your succulents will be different. In winters, it is better to rely mostly on rainwater and avoid watering the succulents more frequently. However, if your area does not get any rain during winters, water your Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ once every three weeks.
Not to mention, these incredible succulents love rain during winters, and that is the reason they grow vigorously during those days. Note that, Aeonium Black Rose's growing season is from winter to early springtime. If you still have any confusion about the water requirements, there is another way to determine when the right time to water your plant is.
Check the moisture of the soil; if it feels dry to touch, then you need to water the plant. If you are unsure how much water you should pour, it is better to underwater.
Soil Requirement
Like many other succulents, Aeonium Black Rose requires well-draining soil. Use a mixture of cactus potting mix and perlite; take the 2:1 solution of cactus mix and perlite if you live in a dry climate. In case you are growing the plant in humid climate, take 1:1 solution of perlite and cactus potting mix. In place of perlite, you can use sandy soil by mixing the potting soil with coarse sand.
This lovely succulent loves to grow under partial shady areas; however, Aeonium Zwartkop can also tolerate full sun. In case the place where you have kept the plant has intense sun exposure, acclimate your Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ to prevent burn. Increase the exposure steadily until it can tolerate full sun.

In case the place where you have kept the plant has intense sun exposure, acclimate your Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ to prevent burn.
It is important to keep in mind that your Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ can still experience sun damage or sunburn during a heatwave or extreme heat. In such a situation, you can protect the plant by moving it indoors or to the shady place.
You can see more about Demystify natural light for succulents.
Since Aeonium Black Rose is a hardy plant, it can tolerate temperatures down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit maximum. However, it will do best if the temperature stays between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
In a cooler place or in the winter, you can have your Aeonium indoors. Make sure to put them in a sunny spot and water sparingly. Despite its hardy characteristic, this Black Rose still can die if the temperature drops below 30 degrees Fahrenheit.
Are Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ (Black Rose) Frost Tolerance?
Aeonium Black Rose can tolerate mild frost but cannot withstand the freezing temperatures for longer periods. That means if your Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ is exposed to freezing temperatures, it is very likely that your plant will not survive and die soon. In mild winters, the black rose can grow fine even if you keep it outdoors.
If your Aeonium ‘Zwartkop’ is exposed to freezing temperatures, it is very likely that your plant will not survive and die soon.
However, if you live in a zone that experiences severe winters, you will need to protect your plant from freezing temperatures or frost. For that, make sure to bring your Aeonium Black Rose Arboreum indoors when the winters come and plant them in containers. Also, if you cannot transfer the plant for a reason they are planted in the ground, then you can protect them with frost covers or frost cloths.

These plants can not be propagated from leaves, so the best way to propagate an Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ is by stem cuttings. It is easy enough and almost guarantees success. Follow these below steps:
Step 1: Take a stem cutting and let it be callous for a couple days. If you live in a humid location you may need more than two days depending on the thickness of the stem. The thicker the stem, the longer it takes to dry.
Step 2: Once the stems are dry and have sealed, you can stick them in a well draining potting soil. Before putting it into the soil, you can dip it in rooting hormone (optional) to speed up the rooting and propagation process.
Step 3: Water the soil every few days or whenever it's dry and keep away from direct sunlight. After a few weeks, the roots should have developed.
Another few weeks and the stem cuttings should be rooted in the soil. You can check if the plant has rooted by tugging at it. However, still keep the new baby plant away from direct sunlight until it's fully rooted. Slowly increase the amount of light as the plant matures. Once mature, you can decrease watering as the plant becomes more drought tolerant.
Blooming and Dormancy
Just like most other aeoniums, Aeonium ‘Zwartkop’ are monocarpic plants so they die after they flower. However, they usually don’t produce flowers until they have produced plenty of offshoots and baby plants.
Aeonium Black Rose produces elaborate flowers that protrude out from the center of the rosette. These flowers are usually in yellow and contrast well with the dark foliage of the plant.

Photo credit: flickr.com
Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ becomes dormant during the summer months or extreme heat. It will shed their leaves when they go through dormancy or when they are under stress. Also, the stems will appear bare and scraggly.
Aeonium dormancy is temporary and they perk back up when the weather cools down and they start their growing season again. Leave the plant alone and do not take stem cuttings, repot or propagate the plant at this time.
Common Problems
Aeonium Leaves Is Falling Off
It is normal for Aeoniums to drop old leaves as new ones develop. These leaves will appear wilted, dried up, brown and droopy. The bottom leaves dry up first as new growth appears from the top. You can simply pull the old bottom leaves out or let them fall out on their own.
But if leaves are dropping at an alarming rate, then it is usually a sign that there is a problem with the plant. And the most common reason are from underwatering and overwatering.
To correct the problem of underwatering, give it a good drink and the plant should perk up almost immediately, within a day or so. On the other hand, an overwatered plant will also drop its leaves, and to prevent this, remove the plant from the wet soil and let it dry out for a few days. Replant in a well draining potting mix.
Pests and Diseases
Although this Aeonium is a hardy plant, it is not immune to pests that bug succulents. Some common pests that your Black Rose could face are Aphids and Mealybugs.
The aphids usually come in colors green or black but can come in other colors; and can be found sucking on leaves or flowers at the end of the stems, on the leaves and the undersides of the plant.
Aeoniums are particularly susceptible to mealybugs. They are tiny and very easy to miss. An early sign your plants have mealybugs is the white cottony substance you see on your plants.
Watch the video below (and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos) to see how to grow and care for Aeonium Black Rose Succulent.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How often do I water a black rose succulent?
The Aeonium Black Rose succulent requires very little watering. In fact, you only need to water them when you notice the soil is dry. And make sure not to overwater your succulent as this can lead to root rot.
2. Does aeonium like full sun or shade?
Aeonium plants generally thrive in warm weather with lots of direct sunlight. So you can provide your outdoor aeonium with full sun to partial shade. But keep in mind that part shade might be necessary during especially hot summers, or if you are planting in desert conditions.
3. Why is my Aeonium dying?
Over watering is the most common cause of aeonium problems. Aeoniums come from hot, dry regions and look best when this is replicated in your house or garden. If you see your black rose washed out, pale foliage, it could be a result of over watering. Then, cut back on watering and let it dry out completely before watering again.
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