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    Types of Succulents Zone 10, What succulents grow in Zone 10, Zone 10 plants, Can succulents grow in Zone 10, Succulents for Zone 10 with Pictures


    ZONE 10

    Coastal areas of California and Florida are the only regions listed as hardiness zone 10. Despite the limited areas, the mild winter (minimum temperature 30-40 F) provides huge advantage for winter gardening but the long and extreme summer are tough for many plants to cope with.


    Thanks to their natural ability to withstand heat, succulents become the best candidate to survive in zone 10 areas. Cactus, Echeveria, Sedum, Sempervivum, Crassula, Kalanchoe... you name it. 


    Choosing Succulents for Zone 10



    Succulents Zone 10



    Types of Succulents Zone 10


    Zone 10 Succulent Plants



    Types of Succulents for Zone 10


    See more about Choosing Succulents for Zone 9 - California, Florida and Arizona

    What succulents grow in Zone 10, Zone 10 plants, Can succulents grow in Zone 10, Succulents for Zone 10 with Pictures

    Click here to get all the details.

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