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Our April box featuring Cotyledon Pendens, String of Pearls, Ruffle Jade Crassula, Window Haworthia, and Tillandsia Bulbosa Belize

1. Cotyledon Pendens

 Cotyledon Pendens, or Cliff Cotyledon, is one of the most beautiful trailing succulents in the world. This plant is rare and highly sought after. It has fleshy, almond-shaped grey-green leaves with a hue coral shade at the tips. Its stems spread randomly, reaching up to 2 feet long.

 This miniature plant blooms breathtakingly beautiful bell-shaped flowers in white and orange-red color.

 Porous soil with adequate drainage.

 The Cotyledon Pendens grows well in Full Sun to Partial Shade. If grown indoors, put it in a spot with bright light and ample airflow.

 Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch then let drain completely.

 Can be mildly toxic to pets and humans.

2. String of Pearls

 Senecio Rowleyanus has pendant stems to 3' or more with unusual round "leaves" giving the impression of a "String of pearls plant". Both the stems and leaves are green.  

 Pearl plant is beautiful in a hanging basket and can be inside the house in a bright airy room, or outside on a protected patio. Bright light with ample airflow is recommended therefore outdoors in the shade is preferable. Protect from frost.

 Light shade.

 Well-drained soil.

 Water thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch, then let drain completely. Avoid letting water sit for too long in the soil to prevent rot and fungal diseases. Reduce watering to a minimum in the winter.

 Small, white flowers that smell like cinnamon.

 Can be toxic to humans and animals.

3. Ruffle Jade Crassula

 Crassula arborescens subsp. undulatifolia is also known as Ripple Jade Crassula or Ruffle Jade Crassula (or sometimes as Lucky Plant or Money Tree).

 It is a succulent shrub that grows up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall and forms elliptic, blue-grey, twisted and erect leaves with purple margins. It produces very stout succulent branches and a natural bonsai-like aspect with compact rounded heads of white star-like flowers.

 Minimum of 3 hours direct sunlight per day.

 Well-Drained, Porous, Gritty. Optimal pH is around 6.0 (slightly acidic).

 Average summer temperatures from 65ºF/18ºC to 70ºF/21ºC are ideal. In winter, it can survive temperatures as low as 50ºF/10ºC.

 Feed once with a controlled-release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season.

 You can propagate Ruffle Jade Crassula by division, offsets or leaf cuttings. The easiest way is to propagate from a single leaf: put the leaf in a succulent or cacti mix, then cover until it sprouts.

4. Window Haworthia

 Haworthia cymbiformis, also known as Cathedral Window Haworthia or Window Haworthia, is a drought-tolerant evergreen succulent with rosettes up to 3 inches (8 cm) tall and 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter.

 Its pale green leaves are fleshy, bulbous, and tender with dark stripes running across the length of each leaf and turning translucent at the tip.

 This species has flowers that are white or light pink with brown-green veins growing from 8 inches (20 cm) tall inflorescence.

 Window Haworthia is a popular houseplant because it is super easy to grow and low maintenance. Whether you grow it indoors or outdoors, the growing conditions for this plant remain the same.

 Bright, indirect light, partial shade.

 Warm weather in the spring and fall are optimal for Window Haworthia. It can survive cool winter but will not do well under 40°F (4°C).

 Porous, well-drained potting mix with sand, pumice or decomposed granite.

 Water only when soil is dry to the touch. Let drain completely after each watering.

 Feed with an all-purpose fertilizer once at the beginning of the growing season, diluted to 50% of the recommended dose.

 Use offsets from the parent plant to grow new plants.

5. Tillandsia Bulbosa Belize

 Tillandsia Bulbosa Belize is an air plant with long twisting curly leaves grown from a large bulbous base. The leaves can turn from green to bright red when the Bulbosa is about to bloom beautiful tubular bright purple flowers.

 Bright filtered light.

  Frequent misting several times a week is necessary, especially during its growing season in the summer. Bulbosa will also benefit from a soaking bath every month. Give it a little shake off afterwards to make sure water doesn't collect in the bottom leaves to prevent rot.

See more about Springtime Succulent Care Guide 

For Types of Succulents Care guide. Read more information here.

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