Code SPRING25 for 15% off all orders

    Free shipping on $59.00+ orders (excl. subscription)

    Cactus Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.50 $320.00
    Random Succulent Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.00 $320.00
    Assorted Succulent Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.00 $320.00
    Live 6" Succulent with 6" Minimalistic Pot $34.35
    Succulent Beginner Kit Gift Box from $52.15
    4" Succulent with Minimalistic Pot $21.64
    Caroo Beginner Kit Gift Box $52.00 $61.25
    Beginner Kit (tools + 4" plant) from $30.54 $37.15
    Beginner Kit (tools only) from $22.94
    Beginner Kit (tools + 2" plant) from $26.94 $32.65
    Holiday 4" Succulent Pack from $18.37 $20.40
    Haworthia/ Aloe/ Agave/ Gasteria Succulent 4" Pack from $18.87 $20.90
    Valentine Succulent Pack 4" from $18.37 $20.40