Another stunning member of the Echeveria Family, the Echeveria Crinoline Ruffles succulent boasts bright green leaves with bright pink and red tips. What makes this succulent stand out from the rest is its wrinkly leaves! The fabric-like wrinkles occur naturally and may change as your succulent grows, making every Echeveria Crinoline unique. To learn how you can keep this succulent thriving, read on:
General Care
The Echeveria Crinoline has the same care needs as any other Echeveria, making it a wonderful succulent for beginners looking to add a wider variety of succulents to their home:
1. Light
Light-wise, your Crinoline will need about six hours of bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sun, especially during the afternoon, will burn this succulent’s leaves, damaging their cells and inhibiting their growth. Consider putting your Crinoline near an east-facing window that only receives bright light in the morning or just out of the way near a south-facing window.

2. Soil
All succulents require well-draining soil, and they don’t like to sit in any water whatsoever. We recommend using a cactus mix from your local garden store for your Echeveria Crinoline. If you need to increase drainage, add perlite or coarse sand to your soil as an inorganic substance, and peat moss if you need extra nutrients.
3. Water
Your Echeveria Crinoline won’t need much water, and it won’t need any water on the leaves. Using a watering bottle or the bottom-watering method, water your Echeveria as close to the roots as possible. Let any excess water drain completely from the pot before putting it away. Water only when the soil is completely dry to avoid root rot or overwatering.
4. Temperature and Humidity
Echeverias make for the perfect houseplant, and the Echeveria Crinoline is always a welcome addition to any home. Ideal for indoors, this succulent prefers temperatures and humidity levels similar to USDA zone 9a. Keep your humidity relatively low and temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit for best results.

5. Fertilizer
Like most succulents, you don’t have to fertilize your Echeveria Crinoline if you don’t want to. To fertilize, mix a small amount of water-soluble fertilizer into your watering routine and apply once at the beginning of the growing season. If you plan on repotting your Crinoline, adding a layer of fresh compost to the top of the soil can help add nutrients.
Potting and Repotting
The best time to repot your Echeveria Crinoline is during the growing season in spring and summer. Repotting during the growing season allows your succulents time to recover from transplant shock and any potential damage during the repotting process. When you repot, make sure your pot is clean and at least ten percent larger than the previous pot. When choosing your pot material, consider using a pot made from porous materials like concrete, terracotta, or ceramic to improve drainage. 
The Echeveria Crinoline blooms in the late summer with the signature Echeveria stalks. The flowers are typically red or orange and don’t signify your succulent is dying– instead, Echeverias bloom when they receive lots of sunlight! When the blooming period ends, simply trim off the stalks or let them fall off on their own.

The best way to propagate an Echeveria is through the leaves. During growth, it’s normal for leaves to fall off your succulents. If these leaves are healthy, then they’re perfect for propagation! To propagate, take one of the leaves and place it in a pot of fresh soil. Mist the soil to keep it moist, and your leaf should sprout a new pip in a couple of weeks.
While the Echeveria Crinoline’s growing season is in the summer, wintertime is its dormant period. Once temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, your Echeveria will go dormant. The succulent may appear wilted during this time, and its growth will slow to conserve energy. Reduce the amount of water it receives by half until temperatures rise again. To help make your dormant cycle go as smoothly as possible, check out our comprehensive guide.
Common Pests and Complications
The most common complications an Echeveria Crinoline may face derive from overwatering. Fungal gnats and root rot are two major signs your succulent is overwatered, as are bloated, yellowing leaves. To treat an overwatered Crinoline, let the succulent dry out and repot it in fresh, well-draining soil.
Other pests you may encounter with this succulent include spider mites and mealybugs.

As always, it’s important to keep in mind your succulent’s toxicity, especially if you have pets and children living with you. Fortunately, all members of the Echeveria family are non-toxic to animals and people, Crinoline included. Still, keep this succulent away from curious pets or children to prevent any potential accidents!
See more about How to Care for Echeveria Harmsii Ruby Slippers
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