Happy New Year!!! Let welcome 2019 with our January box featuring: Graptoveria Debbie, Gasteria Little Warty, Graptoveria Moonglow and Echeveria Blue Fairy.
Learn how to care for your String of Pearls plant. Discover expert tips on sunlight, watering, and more to ensure your succulent thrives. This fast-growing and easily propagated plant can flourish both indoors and outdoors. If you're seeking a beautiful succulent, Senecio Rowleyanus Strings of Pearls is an excellent choice.
Time flies! Celebrate the end of 2018 and welcome the new year with our free printable 2019 Succulent Calendar. Perfect for your desk or kitchen, these adorable 4"x6" calendars are a thoughtful gift for yourself or any succulent lover.
Learn how to identify and address succulent etiolation, a condition where plants become leggy and pale due to insufficient light. This guide provides practical tips on increasing light exposure, improving plant health, and restoring your succulents to their vibrant, compact form.
It's this time of the year, this month we have a special box featuring all rare and hard-to-find succulents: Crassula Moonglow, Concrete Leaf Titanopsis Calcarea, Karoo Rose & Anacampseros Telephiastrum Variegata.
Discover 10 types of succulents that thrive indoors, perfect for brightening up your home. This guide provides information on easy-care succulents that can tolerate low light and add a touch of greenery to any space.
Bring vibrant color to your winter garden with these 11 cold-hardy succulents. Learn about stunning varieties that can withstand freezing temperatures, adding beauty and resilience to your outdoor space.
November has come and with them our Succulents Box for this month! Please welcome to your collection: Variegated Elephant Bush, Tiger Jaw, Crassula String of Button and Echeveria Atlantis.
Learn the essential tips for growing and caring for your indoor succulents. This guide covers everything from choosing the right pot and soil to watering and fertilizing techniques, ensuring your succulents thrive indoors.
Discover the best succulent pairings for stunning arrangements. This guide provides information on compatible succulents with similar water and light requirements, helping you create beautiful and thriving displays.
Find the perfect succulents for your location! Learn which succulents thrive in New York City, California, and Texas based on their hardiness zones. This guide helps you choose the right plants for your specific climate.