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    How to care for Echeveria Afterglow

    5 min read

    How to care for Echeveria Afterglow, Succulent Care Guide

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    Echeveria Afterglow is a delightful plant in the Crassulaceae family, renowned for its striking appearance, low maintenance requirements, and versatility. This hybrid variety was created by crossbreeding Echeveria Cante and Echeveria Shaviana, resulting in a unique plant with breathtaking powdery lavender-pink leaves that brighten up in direct sunlight. Its delicate bright pink edges add an extra touch of charm to this already stunning plant.

    Afterglow is native to the mountainous regions of Northern Mexico, thriving in warm and arid conditions. The plump fleshy leaves emerging from the center create beautiful rosettes, making it an absolute joy to behold. This stunning succulent is very easy to care for even for busy, novice gardeners. Its striking appearance, low maintenance needs, and versatility make it a great addition to any plant collection. While Echeveria Afterglow is generally low-maintenance, it still has specific requirements that should be followed to keep it healthy and thriving. Let's take a closer look at these care needs.

    General Care


    After Glow loves to bask in bright light, and it needs direct sunlight to bring out the vibrancy of its color. However, too much or too harsh light can burn its foliage. If you're placing your Afterglow outside, it's best to offer some shade during the afternoon. It tolerates partially shady conditions, but inadequate lighting can cause the plant to lose its color and rosette form. This succulent needs at least 6 hours of light daily. Indoors, you should give it a spot near a window with lots of indirect bright light throughout the day. A south or west-facing window is usually the best option for succulents, as they can get plenty of bright light without being exposed to direct, harsh sunlight for long periods of time

    After Glow loves to bask in bright light, and it needs direct sunlight to bring out the vibrancy of its color
    After Glow needs direct sunlight to bring out the vibrancy of its color.


    After Glow, like most Echeveria succulents, is a drought-tolerant plant that doesn't require frequent watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it's important to water only when the soil is dry. You can check the moisture level by using a moisture meter or by sticking your finger 2 inches into the soil. If the soil feels dry, give your succulent a good soak, and allow the excess water to drain completely before placing it back in its spot.

    Soil and Fertilizer

    Echeveria After Glow thrives in well-draining, porous soil that promotes good water drainage and airflow. If you live in USDA Hardy zones 10a-11b, you can plant it outdoors. For potting, a high-quality cactus and succulent soil mix is ideal. Do not use rich soils that lock in moisture to avoid root rot. 

    Although fertilizing is generally unnecessary for succulents, you can boost growth and blooming during the growing season (spring-summer) with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Compost is also a good alternative. 

    Temperature and Humidity

    Echeverias prefer warm temperatures, specifically within the range of 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, for optimal growth. However, this type of succulent cannot withstand temperatures below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, After Glow, a succulent plant, flourishes in average room humidity, which is typically between 30% and 40%. Excessively high humidity levels may cause mold growth and waterlogging problems for succulents.

    Potting and Repotting 


    For optimal health of your Echeveria, ensure proper drainage by using a pot with drainage holes and choosing only well-draining soils. Porous and breathable materials like concrete, terracotta, or ceramic pots can also aid in drainage and airflow. To enhance soil aeration, include weekly shovel probing of the plant's roots. This will create air pockets, allowing roots to absorb water, nutrients, and oxygen more efficiently. 


    Succulents are slow growers, and they don’t need frequent repotting. Some tips to repot your After Glow:

    • Repot your After Glow every 2-3 years during the growing season.
    • Get a pot that is only 1 size larger than the original pot with at least 1 drainage hole.
    • Use a fresh, well-draining potting mix made for succulents.
    • Gently remove the plant and inspect its roots before planting it into the new pot.
    • Water lightly and place in a bright, indirect sunlight location.
    • Give your plant 2 weeks to adjust to the new soil before watering.


    Echeverias don’t require routine pruning. However, removing dead or damaged can help boost growth and improve your plant’ appearance. You can also prune off offsets so the parent plant has more room and energy to grow. Both leaf cuttings and offsets can be used for propagation.


    Propagating Echeverias is easy with offsets or leaf cuttings during the growing season. If you propagate with offsets, you should until the offsets are mature enough and reach 1/2 or 1/3.

    Follow these steps:

    • Gently twist and remove offsets and healthy leaves or use a clean and sharp pair of scissors or knife.
    • Allow cuttings or offsets to develop callouses for a couple of days before dipping their bottom tips in rooting hormone and planting them in well-draining soil.
    • Keep the soil moist by frequently misting it and placing the cuttings or offsets in a bright and well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight.
    • Once roots start to grow and new plants begin to form, transfer them to separate pots. 


    In spring or early summer, Echeveria After Glow produces stunning coral-colored flowers that grow on tall stalks above the rosette of leaves. The stalks can be cut off at the base after the flowers fade to encourage the plant to put more energy into growing new leaves and offsets.

    Common Problems

    • Incorrect watering: An overwatered After Glow would have yellow, mushy leaves, while an underwatered one may look dry and crispy, and the leaves may turn brown. 
    • Poor drainage: Insufficient drainage can result in excess water accumulation, causing various issues such as root rot, stem rot, and fungal infections, which can negatively impact the health of your succulents.
    • Lack of sunlight: Echeveria After Glow requires plenty of bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. Insufficient light can cause the plant to lose its vibrant color and stunning rosette shape and become leggy.
    • Pests and diseases: Mealybugs and spider mites are common pests that can attack Echeverias. They can cause damage to the plant by sucking the sap from the leaves, leading to wilting and discoloration. After Glow is also susceptible to fungal diseases like powdery mildew, which can develop in high humidity or poorly ventilated conditions. Symptoms include a powdery white or gray coating on the leaves, which can lead to leaf drop and stunted growth.

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