Watering succulents isn't just as simple as knowing the correct timing when to give them a good drink of water or not, but also about using the right kind of water, as using the wrong type will often create issues that will affect their overall well-being when least expect it.
So make sure to keep reading this article until the end, as we have shared all the different types of water that are best for your succulents and what's not.
Best Types of Water For Succulents
1. Rainwateris the absolute best and perfect water to use, either for succulents or any other types of plants you have. It is known to be acidic, which allows the roots of your plants to absorb nutrients better and as well as helps the soil release micronutrients such as zinc, manganese, copper, and iron that are very important to their growth. This also helps remove all the chemicals and toxins from the soil and as well as from the plants.
The only disadvantage of this type of water is that it isn't always available and that you have to collect or store some for you to use at a later time. Doing this, however, is considered illegal in some states.

2. Distilled wateris another type of water that can be safely used for succulents. It’s known to be free from any additives and toxic chemicals like chlorine or fluoride, which is usually the cause of stunted growth of the succulent, root burning, and even discoloration of the leaves.
And compared to rainwater, distilled water is quite costly but is always available anywhere. You can even buy one online.

What type of water is not safe for succulents?
Although tap water is free and is available in all locations, this can be the worst kind of water to use for succulents. Not only does it have a lot of minerals that are of no use to your succulents' growth, but it also contains chemicals like chlorine, fluorine, and many other components, which is very harmful to them as it may lead to problems such as;
1. Changes in soil color
Using tap water to succulents on a regular basis may lead its soil to turn pale or whitish in color due to the harmful chemicals it contains that will sit in the soil. You can, however, avoid this by frequently changing the potting medium, and at the same time, closely watch out for any root rot.
2. Root Burning
Aside from soil color change, using tap water can also lead to root burn, which will usually lead to a decrease rate of nutrient absorption of the succulent, especially if the harmful chemicals accumulate in the soil.
3. Discoloration of leaves
When succulents are watered with tap water, you may notice that their leaves will start to change color, which usually happens when their roots are unable to get all the nutrients they need from the soil to stay healthy due to root burn.

4. White spots on succulents
Another issue that you may encounter when using tap water is that the succulents may get white spots on their leaves and as well as on their stems. Again, this is because of the harmful chemicals and minerals that tap water consists of.
5, Succulents can end up being stunted or malnourished
Your succulents will begin to lose their leaves, branches, and vibrancy as their way of telling you that they are unable to absorb all the nutrients and water they need to stay healthy. You will see that the effect will start to appear in their upper part.
Is it safe to keep using tap water?
The answer is no. Continuously using tap water to water succulents regularly would really affect the health of your succulents and damage them in the long run, which is why we highly recommend improving the quality of your tap water by removing all the chemicals, or better, switch to another type of water like distilled or filtered water.

How can you remove chemicals from Tap Water?
If you decide to improve the quality of your tap water rather than switching to another type of water, here are a few ways you can try to make it safer and minimize the damage to your plants.
1. Let them rest or uncovered
Collect the tap water in a container or in a big jar, then keep it uncovered for a day or 2, which will help evaporate all the chlorine from the water.
This will also assist settle all the rest of the contaminants at the bottom of the container, then you can leave a few milliliters of water from the bottom, and the rest you can use to water your plants.
You also have the option to boil your tap water to remove all the chemicals and minerals from it, making it safe to use with your beloved succulents.
2. Use Purifiers
Another way to remove all pathogens like protozoa, bacteria, viruses, and as well as chemical contaminants like sodium, chloride, and copper from your tap water is by using either Charcoal filters or RO purifiers.
3. Add white vinegar or citric acid crystals
This can help you lower the pH level of your tap water, making it ideal to use for succulents. However, you will need to purchase a testing kit to check the pH level and for you to determine as well that you are just adding the right amount of white vinegar or citric acid crystals.
To give you an idea, the right pH level for succulents is between 6.0 and below 6.5.

However, do keep in mind that removing chemicals from tap water will only lessen or minimize the damage to your succulents, so we highly suggest that you also follow the additional pointers below.
- Repot your succulent at least once in 1 to 1.5 years. In general, healthy succulents only need to be repotted once every 2 to 3 years, but if you want to stick with using tap water to water them, it is safer to repot them once every 1 to 1.5 years.
- Make sure to use pots with proper drainage holes at the bottom. This will ensure all excess water, as well as unneeded minerals, will drain out of your soil.
- Consider using the bottom and top watering methods alternately. Though bottom watering is one of the most recommended methods to water succulents, it is better to occasionally water them from the top, especially when you are using tap water as it helps excess salts in the soil.
- Make sure to observe your succulents, especially their soil to check for any signs of contaminations like changes with its soil color.

See more about How To Repot Succulents: 3 Important Steps You Should Know
For Types of Succulents Careguide. Read more information here.
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