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    Succulent Subscription Box Monthly, Corporate Gift Ideas, Succulent Gifts for Any Occasion


    Our May box featuring Haworthia Batesiana, Sedum Donkey's Tail, String of Dolphins, and String of Fishhooks

    1. Haworthia Batesiana

    Haworthia Batesiana has miniature rosettes with translucent bright green leaves marked with a net of deeper green. These succulent leaves have smooth margins and a terminal white spine. Rosettes offset freely to form dense clumps.

    Their shape and coloration make them perfect for succulent arrangements and make perfect gifts in a pot for the home or office desk.

    Bright light, but not direct sunlight.

    Use a cactus mix or very fast-draining potting soil mixed with sand.

    2. Sedum Donkey's Tail

    Sedum Burrito/ Sedum Morganianum, also known as Burro's Tail or Donkey's Tail Succulent, is native to Mexico. It is an easy-to-grow perennial succulent and can tolerate any types of soil with good drainage. It has rounded and fleshy silver-green leaves that are densely packed on hanging stems.

    In spring, this plant may bloom clusters of pink to purple flowers, growing from the ends of the stems.

    Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Drought/Dry Soil.

    Full Sun.

    AWater deeply when soil is dry to the touch, then let drain completely.

    Generally non-toxic to humans and animals

    3. String of Dolphins

    Senecio Peregrinus String of Dolphins is a unique succulent, each arched leaf grows two small points which make this plant look uncannily like a pod of frolicking dolphins. It can grow up to 36″ (91 cm) long. It will look amazing in a mixed container or in a hanging basket on its own.

    In the fall, the flowers are dainty and white and form tightly compacted puffballs. Each bloom has a halo of deep red to golden yellow filaments.

    Bright, indirect light, early morning sun, or semi to half shade. Plants may become sunburnt from too much sun.

    Use a well-draining soil mix.

    Allow soil to dry out between watering to avoid root rot.

    4. String of Fishhooks

    String of Fishhooks is an interesting-looking yet very easy to grow trailing succulent in the Senecio species family. This plant is native to South Africa and is a lovely choice for both hanging baskets and outdoor gardens. It trails freely and grows faster and longer in warmer weather and can reach several feet long.

    The Strings of Fishhooks produces small soft white flowers with a cinnamon-like scent during the late winter or early spring months.

    This plant prefers plenty of sunlight but also tolerates various light conditions from full sun to partial sun outdoors, and bright indirect light to partiashade indoors. However, protect it from scorching sun to prevent sunburn.

    This plant is drought tolerant and does not need very regular watering. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch. Water moderately during warmer months and sparingly in the winter.

    This plant, like other succulents, requires well-drained and porous soil to grow healthy. Water should be drained fast to avoid over-absorption to roots. It is better to use a soil mix that does not settle in water for long.

    This plant is very forgiving and can tolerate temperatures between 25°F-100°F but its ideal temperatures are around 65°F-80°F, which is common room temperature. Protect it from extreme heat and frost if grown outdoors.

    This plant should be fertilized once during the growing season (spring) with diluted houseplant fertilizer.

    The String of Fish Hooks is slightly toxic if ingested by humans or animals. Keep it out of reach of pets and children.

    See more about How to Distinguish 6 Different Kinds of "String of Hearts"

    Click here to get all the details.

    For Types of Succulents Careguide. Read more information here.

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