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Feng shui is the Taoist practice of arranging buildings, furniture, plants, and other objects in an environment to create a sense of harmony between the objects and the space. Originating in ancient China, feng shui has grown quite popular in other countries, including the United States. The purpose of feng shui is to arrange a room or space so that the objects within it are in harmony with one another; Taoists believe that harmony between yin and yang creates a smooth energy flow that will promote good health and luck.
The practice of feng shui has been active and prospering for over 4,000 years, and ancient Chinese architects and designers planned entire cities around the principle. On a smaller scale, individual rooms and gardens are an excellent way for anyone to enjoy the practice. It is calming, meditative, and quite fun to do if you enjoy home decor!
Houseplants play a vital role in any home design as their bright greens and organic shapes complement just about any surrounding. If you plan on designing a space with feng shui in mind, include some leafy friends– they’ll help bring some nature into an otherwise lifeless space. The plants in our feng shui collection prioritize leaf shape and growth pattern over all else: when you raise one of these plants, they’re sure to stand out! Plus, you can prune your plant however you need to keep things looking lovely in your space.
Before you place your plant, there are a few rules to follow so it can stay happy and healthy in your new space. Consider these restrictions a fun challenge to your arrangements: