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    Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata from $9.63 $10.70
    Dracaena Kiwi from $17.45
    Pothos N'joy from $20.99
    Peperomia Obtusifolia Green from $14.35
    Pothos Jade from $17.45
    Schefflera Arboricola Variegated from $15.45
    Peperomia Hope from $12.22 $23.99
    Neon Pothos from $20.00
    Ficus Lyrata Little Sunshine
    Sold Out
    Areca Palm from $31.40 $33.10
    Neoregelia Fireball from $15.50
    Rhoeo Tricolor 'Moses In The Cradle' from $14.99
    Staghorn Fern from $20.99
    Anthurium Red from $23.25
    Sansevieria Starfish from $24.00
    Philodendron Birkin from $17.95
    Callisia Repens Sedum (Turtle Vine) from $8.60
    Anthurium Lilli Pink
    Sold Out
    Philodendron Micans
    Sold Out
    Philodendron Prince of Orange
    Sold Out