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Aloe Vera from $14.95
Aloe Peglerae from $15.25
Haworthia/ Aloe/ Agave/ Gasteria Succulent 4" Pack from $18.87 $20.90
Variegated Aloe Plant from $8.85
Tiger Tooth Aloe Juvenna from $6.50
Gasteria Flow Spiky Aloe from $6.00
Coral Aloe Vera Striata
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Pink Blush Aloe Succulent from $6.50
Aloe Brevifolia Short-leaved Aloe from $6.50
White Fox Aloe Plant from $10.65
Mountain Aloe
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Aloe Dichotoma
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Aloe Coral Fire
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Aloe Christmas Carol from $7.50

Aloe Succulent Description

Aloe plants are captivating succulents that make an amazing indoor companion. The plant is stemless or very short-stemmed with thick, greenish, fleshy leaves that fan out from the plant's central stem. The margin of the leaf is serrated with small teeth.

When it comes to determining Aloe, the main feature that sets them apart is the shape and the flesh of the leaves. Aloe leaves are thick and fleshy, triangle-shaped. The color can be light to dark green and Aloe are generally smaller in size compared to Agave leaves. The edges are covered by prickles but they feel quite soft to the touch.

Learn how to identify some closely related succulent types: AloeAgaveGasteria, and Haworthia with this article

The inside of Aloe leaves is full of slimy, water-filled tissues, which allow them to store water for long-term use. Due to this gelatinous texture, they can be easily snapped in half by hand. The gel inside Aloe leaf contains multiple antioxidants, making them a popular ingredient in the beauty and cosmetic industry. Since Aloes are polycarpic plants, you can expect to see them blooming every year between December and May. The three most common colors of the Aloe flowers are yellow, orange, and white.

Aloe Care Guide

  • Light

Aloe plants need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight to continuously thrive. However, be cautious because immediately moving an aloe plant from a shady area to direct sun can cause an aloe plant to dry out too much and turn its leaves yellow. So consider placing them in a location that offers bright, indirect sunlight (or, artificial light).

  • Water

Like most succulents, watering Aloe Plants can be a bit tricky. They can easily rot with excessive watering, and at the same time, may shrivel and die when given too little water. So make sure that you are just giving your Aloe Plant enough water to keep it from drying out completely, but not too much to drown it!

  • Temperature

The most suitable temperature to grow Aloe Plants ranges from 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 and 27°C). Meaning, this plant can grow outdoors in zones 9 to 11 without any problems.

Please note that Aloe Plants are frost tender and cannot handle temperatures below 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Soil

It is recommended to use sandy soil with a neutral pH for Aloes. Cactus potting mix or regular soil that has been amended with additional perlite or building sand is also a great choice for this plant.

  • Fertilizer

In general, Aloes don’t need to be fertilized. But if you want to add fertilizing as part of your care routine for this plant, you can use a phosphorus-heavy, water-based fertilizer at half strength or mixes designed specifically for succulents and apply this once a year in the Spring.

Tips for Propagating Aloe

Since they often produce offsets, propagating Aloe is very easy! On top of that, doing it is very fun and exciting, whether you’re just trying to fill out your garden or make gifts to share. To do this, simply separate the offset from the parent plant using a sharp, clean knife, brush away as much soil as possible from the offset and allow it to callous over for several days. Once the offsets have formed callouses, pot them in dry well-draining soil.

You can also read this blog to see some Tips on succulent propagation from leaves and cuttings.

Caring for Aloe plants is that easy! For more information, don’t forget to check out the full blog on How to Grow and Care for Aloe Plant.