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    Our December box featuring Cotyledon Pendens, Crassula Ivory Tower, Sedum Firestorm Succulent, Echeveria Compressicaulis, and Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra

    1. Cotyledon Pendens

     Cotyledon Pendens, or Cliff Cotyledon, is one of the most beautiful trailing succulents in the world. This plant is rare and highly sought after. It has fleshy, almond-shaped grey-green leaves with a hue coral shade at the tips. Its stems spread randomly, reaching up to 2 feet long.

     This miniature plant blooms breathtakingly beautiful bell-shaped flowers in white and orange-red colour.

     Porous soil with adequate drainage.

     The Cotyledon Pendens grows well in Full Sun to Partial Shade. If grown indoors, put it in a spot with bright light and ample airflow.

     Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch then let drain completely.

     Can be mildly toxic to pets and humans

    2. Crassula Ivory Towers

     Crassula Conjuncta, also called "Ivory Towers", is native to South Africa. It has attractive silvery green leaves with deep red rims. The leaves are very similar to that of Crassula Perforata String of buttons, but are fleshier and grow more compact.

     Crassula Ivory Tower produces clusters of tiny white flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

     Regular mixes for cacti and succulents, Mixture of regular potting soil, bird sand and pumice.

     Minimum of 3 hours direct sunlight per day.

     Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch, then let drain completely. Avoid letting water sit for too long in the soil to prevent rot and fungal diseases.

     Average summer temperatures from 65ºF/18ºC to 70ºF/21ºC are ideal. In winter, it can survive temperatures as low as 50ºF/10ºC.

     Feed with a controlled-release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season.

     You can propagate Crassula Ivory Towers by division, offsets or leaf cuttings. The easiest way is to propagate from a single leaf: put the leaf in a succulent or cacti mix, then cover until it sprouts.

    3. Sedum Fire Storm Succulent

     Sedum Adolphii, also known as Golden Sedum or Sedum Firestorm, is a tender succulent that grows up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. It is a groundcover that forms rosettes of green-yellow leaves, up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) long.

     Sedum Adolphii develops orange or red hue when it receives a great amount of sunlight. As the rosettes mature, they grow new leaves at the center and shed the older leaves on the soil. These old leaves can root and grow into new plants.

     Sedum Adolphii produces small cream-colored flower heads in spring.

     Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Drought/Dry Soil.

     Water deeply when soil is dry to the touch, then let drain completely.

     Full Sun.

    4. Echeveria Compressicaulis

     Echeveria compressicaulis is a species from Venezuela. A species with thick, fleshy leaves. It takes on very deep-red colours under strong light. Rather than grow low like most Echeveria, this one will grow upwards and offset from the stem

     When it flowers you can expect it to produce bell-shaped orange flowers.

     Make sure the soil is moist at all times during the spring and summer months.

    It thrives best in full sun to light shade. In order to develop their foliage color, you should place Echeveria Compressicaulis somewhere is a warm, sunny with well-drained soil. In the indoor and east or west-facing window where it can receive four to six hours of sunlight is ideal.

     Water when soil is dry to the touch, which is approximately every 7 - 10 days. Avoid water it daily. Water them more in spring and summer and less in winter, and it’s better to underwater them than overwater them.

     Generally non-toxic to humans and animals.

    5. Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra

     Tillandsia ionantha Rubra, is an easy-to-grow air plant with short waxy green leaves. When the plant is about to bloom, it changes to shades of vibrant deep red to orange and eventually displays yellow/purple/red tubular flowers. Ionantha Rubra creates many offsets or pups which will clump into a ball as it matures.

     Bright indirect sunlight.

     No soil is needed. Sand, sea glass, rocks, pebbles & bark chip can be used instead of soil.

     Frequent misting several times a week is necessary. Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra will also benefit from a soaking bath every month. Give it a little shake off afterwards to make sure water doesn't collect in the bottom leaves to prevent root.


    Why Are There White Spots On My Succulents, white spot on succulents, succulent care guide, how to care for succulents, succulent diseases

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