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Aeonium Kiwi Haworthii
Sold Out
Senecio String of Bananas from $7.75
Cotyledon Pendens
Sold Out
Echeveria Licorice from $5.75
Tillandsia Ionantha Fuego
Sold Out

Amazing box of organic succulents and air plants for you to plant in your little garden every month. This month, we featured some types of stunning plants: Aeonium Kiwi, String of Bananas, Cotyledon Pendens, Echeveria Licorice and Tillandsia ionantha Fuego.

These boxes are perfect for anyone who loves succulents and air plants. The plants are all organic and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are perfect for adding a touch of greenery to your home or office.

Order your box today and start enjoying these beautiful plants!