Code SPRING25 for 15% off all orders

    Free shipping on $59.00+ orders (excl. subscription)

    Birch Pot Small Size $9.50
    Celestial Pot $9.95
    Dandelion Pot $11.00
    Rare Tephrocactus Geometricus from $62.99 $69.99
    Crocheted Cactus Coaster
    Sold Out
    Gift Box - 1 Houseplant $30.00
    Gift Box - 1 Rosette Succulent Soap and 1 Soy Candle $23.00
    Gift Box - 1 Houseplant and 1 Heart Glitter Soap $38.75
    eGift Card | Succulents Box Online Store from $10.00
    Pet-Friendly Gift Box $36.00
    Mother's Day Gift Box - 1 Jewelry and 1 Rosette Succulent $49.80
    Xerographica $20.00
    Aphelandra Zebra Plant from $19.20
    Haworthia Batesiana Succulent from $6.50
    Xerosicyos danguyi (Silver Dollar Vine) from $26.85
    Philodendron Cordatum Brasil from $24.48 $27.20
    Philodendron Aurea 'Golden Violin' from $21.80 $24.25
    Glacier English Ivy from $13.99

    Check out our latest discounts! Enjoy succulents, houseplants, and accessories at incredible sale prices while supplies last! Shop and Save!