Free shipping on $59.00+ orders

    Free shipping on $59.00+ orders (excl. subscription)

    Trailing Jade Senecio Jacobsenii from $7.50
    4" Succulent with Minimalistic Pot $21.64
    Peperomia Watermelon from $15.65
    Satin Pothos Scindapsus Pictus from $24.75
    Philodendron Cordatum Brasil from $24.48 $27.20
    Hoya Obovata Splash
    Sold Out
    Glacier English Ivy from $13.99
    Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma (Monstera Minima)
    Sold Out
    Adromischus Filicaulis ssp. Marlothii Crassula from $6.00
    Variegated Hoya Kerrii Heart from $15.99
    Aloe Vera from $14.95
    String of Fishhooks from $6.50
    Aloe Peglerae from $15.25
    Assorted Succulent Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.00 $320.00
    Random Succulent Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.00 $320.00
    Cactus Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.50 $320.00
    Rosette Succulent Wedding and Party Favors Tray from $190.00 $320.00
    Cotyledon Pendens from $7.35
    Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii Moon Cactus
    Sold Out
    Albuca Namaquensis Augrabie 'Augrabies Hills' from $11.15