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    Free shipping on $59.00+ orders (excl. subscription)

    Pink Phalaenopsis Orchid from $49.99
    Maranta Lemon Lime from $19.50
    Neon Pothos from $20.00
    Philodendron Aurea 'Golden Violin' from $21.80 $24.25
    Neoregelia Fireball from $15.50
    Rhoeo Tricolor 'Moses In The Cradle' from $14.99
    Spathiphyllum Green Peace Lily from $18.99
    Staghorn Fern from $20.99
    Guzmania hybrid Orange from $27.25
    Guzmania hybrid Red from $27.25
    Guzmania hybrid Yellow from $27.40
    Anthurium Red from $23.25
    Dracaena Tornado from $20.60
    Blue Star Fern from $17.50
    Aphelandra Zebra Plant from $19.20
    Monstera Deliciosa from $22.75
    Green Ivy Plant from $8.28
    Philodendron Cordatum from $16.15 $17.95
    Satin Pothos Scindapsus Pictus from $24.75
    Philodendron Cordatum Brasil from $24.48 $27.20